AMI PDO Threads procedure (known world-wide as the “lunchtime facelift”) is a minimally invasive treatment that provides patients with an immediate effect, has limited to no downtime and generally takes less than an hour to perform. The contouring effects of the treatment can last up to 24 months and can be used in combination with other treatments to provide incredible “WOW” factor results to patients. Call today to book your consultation!

MIRACU® PDO thread beforeMIRACU® PDO thread after

What are PDO threads?

A Polydiaxenone (PDO) thread is a form of surgical suture used in deep closures and dissolves in approximately 4-6 months, depending on thickness of the thread. As PDO threads break down, they stimulate formation of natural collagen and elastin, and actually enhance the health and quality of subcutaneous tissue, thus improving the skin’s overall texture and youthfulness.

PDO Lifting Threads Lifting Technique

AMI PDO Threads procedure is a minimally invasive technique with only a short recovery time that can shave years off your age without having to undergo major surgery or have visible scars.

PDO threads lifting technique

First, the number and placement of the threads is determined during the consultation. The treatment is considered to be comfortable, with minimal bleeding or downtime. A numbing cream or local anesthesia can be applied before starting the procedure. Threads are inserted into the SMAS area of the skin.  Lifting is achieved with a barbed thread that anchors into the tissue as the needle is removed. This reshapes the face, lifts sagging areas, and tightens loose skin immediately. The treatment takes no more than 30 minutes.


The immediate result is followed by the gradual collagen regeneration over the next 3-6 months. This improves skin texture and fine lines, and gives your skin more elasticity.

What areas can be treated with AMI PDO Threads procedure?

The PDO thread lift is very versatile, allowing practically all areas of the face to be treated, including the:

  • Undereye area
  • Eyebrows
  • Crow’s feet (wrinkles around eyes)
  • Cheeks
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Naso jugal folds
  • Wrinkles around mouth
  • Jaw line
  • Jowls
  • Neck

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